Lihui Wang:Digital Twin-Driven Advance Execution in HRC Assembly
Donald Huisingh:Cleaner Production and Sustainable Smart Manufacturing
时间:2023年11月18日14:30 -- 17:30
14:00-14:20 签到
14:20-14:30 广研院简介
14:30-15:50 Lihui Wang报告
15:50-16:00 提问交流
16:00-17:20 Donald Huisingh报告
17:20-17:30 提问交流
Lihui Wang
Lihui Wang is a Chair Professor of Sustainable Manufacturing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. His research interests are primarily focused on human-robot collaboration, digital twin, cyber-physical systems, real-time monitoring and control, and adaptive manufacturing systems. Professor Wang is actively engaged in various professional activities. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, and Journal of Manufacturing Systems. He has published 10 books and authored in excess of 680 scientific publications. Professor Wang is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, CIRP, AET, SME and ASME, the President (2020-2021) of North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, and the Chairman (2018-2020) of Swedish Production Academy. In 2020, he was elected one of the 20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing by SME.
Donald Huisingh
Dr Huisingh taught and did research at North Carolina State University in Raleigh North Carolina for 23 years and then moved to Europe where he has taught at Erasmus University in The Netherlands and in Lund University, in Lund, Sweden, since 1987. He has been guest lecturer in more than 60 other universities and has worked on helping to implement Cleaner Production in more than 300 companies and organizations. Presently he teaches part-time at the following institutions: the University of TN in Knoxville, TN, Lund University in Sweden, Erasmus University in The Netherlands and at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. He has published more than 350 articles, books, videos and simulations. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier's Journal of Cleaner Production that is now being published for the 20th year. He is skilled in interdisciplinary education and holistic approaches to defining and solving society problems so that effective and equitable approaches can be made towards Sustainable Societies.
香港理工大学助理教授、博士生导师,黄铁城【智能机器人】青年学者席,数字化服务实验室负责人,工业人工智能与数字化服务团队带头人。主要研究兴趣包括:智能产品服务系统、人机协作制造系统、工业人工智能。入选2022年百度AI华人青年学者榜单(AI+X)全球50强,Scopus“工业工程与自动化领域”世界Top 2%科学家榜单(2020-2023),中国科协首届“中国科技青年论坛”三等奖,2023年香港理工大学“青年创新研究者”奖。累计发表SCI论文100余篇,WoS被引3500余次,ESI高被引论文10+篇;获2019 CIRP IPSS和TE2019最佳会议论文;授权发明专利2项,受理4项,登记软件著作权3项;带队获国际、国家级研究创新大赛金奖3项,银奖1项,铜奖1项。IEEE/CMES高级会员,SME/ASME会员,CIRP青年会员,现任中国机械工程学会工业大数据与智能系统专委会委员、副总干事,北美制造工程协会科学委员会委员(SME | NAMRI, 2022 - ),Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing(JCR Q1)和Journal of Cleaner Production (Top 10%)期刊副主编,Journal of Manufacturing Systems(Top 10%)和Advanced Engineering Informatics(Top 10%)期刊编委。